Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Web Technology based Software Engineering Lab Programs

File submission date is 15 th april

1. write a basic program in HTML using at least fifteen tags.

2. write a program to make a TABLE, name of the table is STUDENT DETAILS and attributes are: Name, Rollno, Branch, Year and Pass or Fail. Enter at least five records.

3. write a program to insert an image and arrange a list of five students (any five name of your class) in both way: ordered list and unordered list.

4. write a program to make an application form with following fields: Name, Gender, DOB, category, Nationality,religion,father's name, mother's name,Select your qualification: 10th, 12th, and graduation; Select your Graduation Subject or branch:CSE, ECE, EE, CE, ME and others. In last use a submitted button with value "submit".

5. write a program to make four frmaes with equal size. Name of the frames are:
Personal Details          Educational Details
Employment Details       Others Details

6. write an HTML program using CSS (use ID selector and Class Selector)